At Nordic Woods, in addition to the activities offered by the Nordic Woods team, you can also join the activities organized by Ursula's Adventyr, a local guide who will take you on various challenging adventures, including Caving, Sea Kayaking, and Climbing.
After your booking, you can easily participate in these activities through the Travelbase App.
Children can join under the supervision of a parent.
Diese Tour ist sowohl spannend, herausfordernd als auch entspannend. Während der Tour wirst du Routen unterschiedlicher Schwierigkeit erklimmen, an Seilen abseilen und lernen, wie man sich beim Klettern sichert. Denke daran, während der Wanderung genügend Wasser mitzubringen.
⏰ 10 Stunden
📅 Montag
⏳ 5 Stunden
📌 Ab 10 Jahren
Caving, an exciting tour through the largest primary stone cave in the Åsnen National Park. You will crawl and climb in the cave system, climb on ropes using the so-called SRT (single rope technique), and descend along the rope.
⏰ 10:00
📅 Tuesday
⏳ 5 hours
📌 Age 10+
In the archipelago of Blekinge, one of UNESCO's biosphere reserves, lies the archipelago of Karlshamn, the most unique part. After a short water safety course and learning the basics of kayaking, we paddle through the archipelago.
⏰ 10:00 AM
📅 Wednesday
⏳ 6-7 hours
📌 Age 10+
A brief historical overview of the development of archery from around 900 to the present. You will become familiar with the following types: Horse bows of Hun and Mongolian origin, longbow, modern recurve bows, and compound/hunting bows.
⏰ 5:00 PM
📅 Wednesday
⏳ 6-7 hours
📌 Age 12+